Practice for Sale | WOBO-0423 | Eastern Ohio, OH | PMA | Practice Transitions Practice for Sale | WOBO-0423 | Eastern Ohio, OH | PMA | Practice Transitions

Listing #: WOBO-0423

Eastern Ohio, OH


Eastern Ohio, OH

Great opportunity in Eastern Ohio with a Gold Standard name brand and great potential for growth
Located an hour between Cleveland and Pittsburgh
Only 5 star google practice in the area
Full Lab
iTero Digital Scanner w/patient treatment simulator
Computers and monitors in each operatory
Robust internal referrals from current and past clients
Strong & consistent external doctor referral
High Profitability - 47.10%
Steady & reliable revenues year after year

Operatories: 8
Office Size: 4200
Type of Practice: Orthodontic
Status: For Sale
Opportunity Type: Practice for Sale
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