When you first dreamt of having your own dental practice, you likely didn’t think through all of the steps it would take to get to that dream.
Whether you are still in dental school, recently purchased a practice or have had a practice for a few years, it is always a good time to work on your dental career plan. One good step is to establish and grow your professional network. This network should not just consist of other dentists either.
Developing a Team of Dental Advisors
All dentists need a strong network of advisors, which includes an attorney, accountant, investment advisor and insurance agent. These are the individuals who will help you build a successful dental practice. Oftentimes, these trusted professionals guide you throughout your career. However, if one of these advisors is not performing to your standards, don’t hesitate to find a new one. It is smart to always look out for your best interests.
So, how do you go about forming your team? Be sure to pay attention to the people you meet and keep in touch. You may not need their services when you meet, but you might at a later time. Also, ask around – people don’t usually recommend someone they wouldn’t use themselves. Once you have someone in mind, it is important to take the time to meet face-to-face. This is a great way to get to know someone better rather than just reading his or her bio. You’ll want to work with someone you actually like and whose opinion you trust.
Beyond Your Team
Be sure to get to know several professionals in various industries throughout your career. If you make the effort to meet a few professionals in different industries each quarter, just imagine the knowledge you’ll gain about running dental career planning. And when you meet with someone, ask them if there is anyone else who might be good for you to meet.
Research and read publications and websites that other professionals read and contribute to. You’ll be amazed at the insight you can get from these outlets. Never stop learning.
Getting out there and meeting people is also a successful way to find potential patients and referral sources, which will also help you grow your practice. Become part of your community by joining local chambers of commerce, organizations or boards, volunteer your time and attend events and functions. Developing strong ties will help people build trust in you.
So while this is good advice for someone just starting in dentistry, networking is also something you can do at any stage of your dental career. Still not sure where to start? The consultants at PMA Practice Transitions can provide you with ideas and guidance for how to get started or how to build a successful dental practice.